PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


The Oregon Trail (1990)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-oregon21"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-oregon21" to load....

Directory of Oregon Trail 2.1 (1990)

 Volume in drive A is OREGON21
 Directory of A:\

BIT8X8   GFT      2646   8-18-7   4:10a
CGA      BGI      6253   8-18-7   4:10a
DIALOGS  REC     14586   8-18-7   4:10a
HISCORES REC       180   8-18-7   4:10a
INSTALL  EXE     21264   8-18-7   4:10a
JOYCAL   REC         9   8-18-7   4:10a
LOGO     004      1562   8-18-7   4:10a
LOGO     256      2117   8-18-7   4:10a
OREGON   EXE     81896   8-18-7   4:10a
OTCGA    PCL    189831   8-18-7   4:10a
OTMCGA   PCL    321139   8-18-7   4:10a
PAL      256       906   8-18-7   4:10a
PRODUCT  PF        350   8-18-7   4:10a
README            1177   8-18-7   4:10a
SONGS    TXT      2867   8-18-7   4:10a
TOMB     REC       110   8-18-7   5:43a
VGA256   BGI      3289   8-18-7   4:10a
ZOP12    GAM       144   8-18-7   4:10a
       18 file(s)     650326 bytes
                      558080 bytes free