PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


IBM PC AT (Model 5170) ROM BIOS Sources

PCjs has created and archived a collection IBM PC AT ROM BIOS diskettes. Their contents are thanks to the PC DOS Retro website. Directory Listings and Version Notes are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-msdos320"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-msdos320" to load....

Directory of IBM PC AT BIOS Sources (V1)

 Volume in drive A is 5170V1
 Directory of A:\

5170V1   TXT       903   3-27-20   3:00p
ATLINK             151   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS     ASM     10150   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS1    ASM     36439   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS2    ASM     16874   3-27-20   3:00p
DISK     ASM     35135   3-27-20   3:00p
DSEG     SRC      9064   3-27-20   3:00p
DSKETTE  ASM     50108   3-27-20   3:00p
EXE2BIN             77   3-27-20   3:00p
FILL     ASM       123   3-27-20   3:00p
GDT_BLD  ASM      2313   3-27-20   3:00p
IAPX286  MAC      4854   3-27-20   3:00p
KYBD     ASM     24576   3-27-20   3:00p
ORGS     ASM     25030   3-27-20   3:00p
POSTEQU  SRC     14712   3-27-20   3:00p
PRT      ASM      3856   3-27-20   3:00p
README   TXT      3460   3-27-20   3:00p
RS232    ASM      6979   3-27-20   3:00p
SEGMENT  SRC        28   3-27-20   3:00p
SIDT_BLD ASM      4935   3-27-20   3:00p
SYSDATA  INC      3369   3-27-20   3:00p
SYSDATA  MAC      1031   3-27-20   3:00p
SYSINIT1 ASM      2316   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST1    ASM     64948   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST2    ASM     53791   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST3    ASM      4385   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST4    ASM      8204   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST5    ASM      6487   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST6    ASM     14336   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST7    ASM     17478   3-27-20   3:00p
VERSIONS TXT      8490   3-27-20   3:00p
VIDEO1   ASM     59174   3-27-20   3:00p
       32 file(s)     493776 bytes
                      712704 bytes free

Directory of IBM PC AT BIOS Sources (V2)

 Volume in drive A is 5170V2
 Directory of A:\

5170V2   TXT       803   3-27-20   3:00p
ATLINK             123   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS     ASM      7842   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS1    ASM     45782   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS2    ASM     22408   3-27-20   3:00p
DISK     ASM     38284   3-27-20   3:00p
DSEG     INC      7994   3-27-20   3:00p
DSKETTE  ASM     71253   3-27-20   3:00p
EXE2BIN             81   3-27-20   3:00p
FILL     ASM       123   3-27-20   3:00p
IAPX286  INC      1855   3-27-20   3:00p
KYBD     ASM     30294   3-27-20   3:00p
ORGS     ASM     34369   3-27-20   3:00p
POSTEQU  INC     13474   3-27-20   3:00p
PRT      ASM      5278   3-27-20   3:00p
README   TXT      3460   3-27-20   3:00p
RS232    ASM      7981   3-27-20   3:00p
SYSDATA  INC      3369   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST1    ASM     74982   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST2    ASM     56150   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST3    ASM     15698   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST4    ASM     24560   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST5    ASM     16263   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST6    ASM     12743   3-27-20   3:00p
VERSIONS TXT      8490   3-27-20   3:00p
VIDEO1   ASM     64799   3-27-20   3:00p
       26 file(s)     568458 bytes
                      638976 bytes free

Directory of IBM PC AT BIOS Sources (V3)

 Volume in drive A is 5170V3
 Directory of A:\

5170V3   TXT       799   3-27-20   3:00p
ATLINK             123   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS     ASM      7842   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS1    ASM     45791   3-27-20   3:00p
BIOS2    ASM     22408   3-27-20   3:00p
DISK     ASM     38475   3-27-20   3:00p
DSEG     INC      7994   3-27-20   3:00p
DSKETTE  ASM     90867   3-27-20   3:00p
EXE2BIN             81   3-27-20   3:00p
FILL     ASM       123   3-27-20   3:00p
IAPX286  INC      1855   3-27-20   3:00p
KYBD     ASM     38104   3-27-20   3:00p
ORGS     ASM     35847   3-27-20   3:00p
POSTEQU  INC     14392   3-27-20   3:00p
PRT      ASM      5345   3-27-20   3:00p
README   TXT      3460   3-27-20   3:00p
RS232    ASM      8054   3-27-20   3:00p
SYSDATA  INC      3369   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST1    ASM     75049   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST2    ASM     56221   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST3    ASM     15701   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST4    ASM     24580   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST5    ASM     16264   3-27-20   3:00p
TEST6    ASM     12743   3-27-20   3:00p
VERSIONS TXT      8490   3-27-20   3:00p
VIDEO1   ASM     65455   3-27-20   3:00p
       26 file(s)     599432 bytes
                      607744 bytes free

5170V1 Notes (from PC DOS Retro)

IBM PC AT BIOS dated 01/10/84 based on the BIOS listings in the IBM PC AT Technical Reference dated March 1984.
The BIOS was originally built using IBM MASM 1.0.

- FILL.ASM was added to properly link the BIOS, this defines the area between the end of the main BIOS code and the ORGS data at E000.
- IAPX286.MAC was derived based upon the generated code in the listings.
- The code at FF5A in ORGS.ASM is hidden from the BIOS listings with .XLIST.
- Using MASM 2.0, the code generated for line 1852 of TEST1.ASM will not match the original BIOS:
        CMP     WORD PTR ES:[DI],0FFFFH
  MASM 1 generates: 26 81 3D FF FF
  MASM 2 generates: 26 83 3D FF

Additional files:
FILL.ASM - see above
ATLINK - linker response file
EXE2BIN - DEBUG script to convert the EXE file to a BIN file

Steps to build the PC AT BIOS:
for %a in (*.asm) do masm %a;
link @atlink
debug < exe2bin

5170V2 Notes (from PC DOS Retro)

IBM PC AT BIOS dated 06/10/85 based on the BIOS listings in the IBM PC AT Technical Reference dated September 1985.
The BIOS was originally built using IBM MASM 2.0.

- FILL.ASM was added to properly link the BIOS, this defines the area between the end of the main BIOS code and the ORGS data at E000.
- IAPX286.INC was derived based upon the generated code in the listings.
- In TEST1.ASM there is an invalid POP instruction with no operands which MASM 2.0 assembles as PUSH 0.
- The code at FF5A in ORGS.ASM is hidden from the BIOS listings with .XLIST.

Additional files:
FILL.ASM - see above
ATLINK - linker response file
EXE2BIN - DEBUG script to convert the EXE file to a BIN file

Steps to build the PC AT BIOS:
for %a in (*.asm) do masm %a;
link @atlink
debug < exe2bin

5170V3 Notes (from PC DOS Retro)

IBM PC AT BIOS dated 11/15/85 based on the BIOS listings in the IBM PC AT Technical Reference dated March 1986.
The BIOS was originally built using IBM MASM 2.0.

- FILL.ASM was added to properly link the BIOS, this defines the area between the end of the main BIOS code and the ORGS data at E000.
- IAPX286.INC was derived based upon the generated code in the listings.
- In TEST1.ASM there is an invalid POP instruction with no operands which MASM 2.0 assembles as PUSH 0.
- The code at FF5A in ORGS.ASM is hidden from the BIOS listings with .XLIST.

Additional files:
FILL.ASM - see above
ATLINK - linker response file
EXE2BIN - DEBUG script to convert the EXE file to a BIN file

Steps to build the PC AT BIOS:
for %a in (*.asm) do masm %a;
link @atlink
debug < exe2bin