PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Microsoft Unfiled Utilities

Versions of all the utilities on the MS Unfiled Utilities diskette can be found on other disks in the PCjs collection, such as:

However, none of the specific versions on the diskette below have been found in other distributions, so their origins remain a mystery.

Thanks to several PCjs users for donating these mysterious binaries to the collection, and perhaps other PCjs users will be able to puzzle out where they came from.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of MS Unfiled Utilities

 Volume in drive A is UNFILED
 Directory of A:\

CREFB    EXE     13824  11-10-81  12:00a
DEBUG    EXE     15232  11-14-84  10:13a
EXE2BINC EXE      1649  10-12-84   7:00p
EXE2BINE EXE      2816  11-14-84  10:15a
EXE2BINF EXE      1649   2-24-84   5:41p
EXEMOD   EXE     11034   1-01-80  12:00a
EXEPACK  EXE      7924   1-01-80  12:00a
LIB220   EXE     23168  11-27-84   9:20a
LIB300   EXE     14015  10-31-84   4:57p
LIB302A  EXE     28716  10-16-85   5:00a
LIB306   EXE     30177   5-18-88  11:08a
LIB314   EXE     23115   8-20-90   1:00p
LIB315   EXE     52424   3-23-89   1:31p
LIB317   EXE     54736   2-20-90   5:22p
LIB318   EXE     55248   2-26-91   2:16p
LIB320   EXE     35648   8-20-92   1:59a
LIB331   EXE     35457   2-08-93   1:01a
LINK230  EXE     38528  11-14-84  10:19a
LINK241  EXE     39680   2-13-84   2:13p
LINK302  EXE     44593   3-19-85  11:21a
LINK305  EXE     43988  10-16-85   6:00a
LINK305B EXE     26801   4-07-89   1:00a
LINK361  EXE     40278  10-12-87   9:09a
LINK369  EXE     43367   9-07-88   5:27p
LINK4X   EXE     58758   1-25-85  11:32a
LOCATE   EXE      1649   9-03-83   3:40a
MASM127  EXE     81280  11-27-84   9:25a
MASM307  EXE    100928   1-01-80  12:00a
MASM350  EXE     83128   1-01-80  12:00a
SYMDEB3X DOC      5098   1-01-80  12:00a
SYMDEB3X EXE     36326   1-01-80  12:00a
SYMDEB4A EXE     34810   6-14-86  12:14a
       32 file(s)    1086044 bytes
                      120320 bytes free