PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.



This directory contains two different releases of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10:

However, the older release is not a distribution copy. It is provided for historical interest only.

All COMPAQ Supplemental User Programs, as well as diagnostics and setup utilities, are now filed under COMPAQ Diagnostics. The earliest known version of CEMM can be found on the COMPAQ DeskPro 386 (1986) diskette.

[PCjs Machine "deskpro386"]

Waiting for machine "deskpro386" to load....

COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 (10-31-86)

Released in 1986 by COMPAQ Computer Corp, this version of MS-DOS displays the following messages on boot:

The COMPAQ Personal Computer MS-DOS
Version 3.10

(C) Copyright COMPAQ Computer Corp. 1982,83,84,85
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1982,82,83,84,85

Directory listings of the two 360Kb distribution diskettes are provided below.

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     9728  10-31-86  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    27760  10-31-86  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     23210  10-31-86  12:00p
VDISK    SYS      3420  10-31-86  12:00p
ANSI     SYS      1631  10-31-86  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS      1569  10-31-86  12:00p
CLOCK    SYS      1471  10-31-86  12:00p
FORMAT   COM      8987  10-31-86  12:00p
CHKDSK   COM      9435  10-31-86  12:00p
SYS      COM      3823  10-31-86  12:00p
DISKCOMP COM      2897  10-31-86  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      3006  10-31-86  12:00p
COMP     COM      2470  10-31-86  12:00p
MODE     COM      5481  10-31-86  12:00p
FDISK    COM      7200  10-31-86  12:00p
BACKUP   COM      5465  10-31-86  12:00p
RESTORE  COM      5247  10-31-86  12:00p
ASSIGN   COM      1509  10-31-86  12:00p
SORT     EXE      1664  10-31-86  12:00p
FIND     EXE      6403  10-31-86  12:00p
MORE     COM       282  10-31-86  12:00p
PRINT    COM      8291  10-31-86  12:00p
TREE     COM      1756  10-31-86  12:00p
LABEL    COM      1239  10-31-86  12:00p
BASIC    COM      1424  10-31-86  12:00p
BASICA   COM      1422  10-31-86  12:00p
BASICA   EXE     66544  10-31-86  12:00p
GRAPHICS COM      7204  10-31-86  12:00p
EDLIN    COM      7261  10-31-86  12:00p
SHARE    EXE      8304  10-31-86  12:00p
SELECT   COM      1714  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBGR   COM     12745  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBFR   COM     12745  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBUK   COM     12745  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBIT   COM     12745  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBSP   COM     12745  10-31-86  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      1130  10-31-86  12:00p
DISKINIT COM      9259  10-31-86  12:00p
       38 file(s)     311931 bytes
                       27648 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SETCLOCK COM      2771  10-31-86  12:00p
TAPE     EXE     42512  10-31-86  12:00p
BASICA   COM      1422  10-31-86  12:00p
SUBST    EXE     16611  10-31-86  12:00p
JOIN     EXE     15971  10-31-86  12:00p
ATTRIB   EXE     15091  10-31-86  12:00p
EXE2BIN  EXE      2816  10-31-86  12:00p
LINK     EXE     38144  10-31-86  12:00p
DEBUG    COM     15552  10-31-86  12:00p
RECOVER  COM      4226  10-31-86  12:00p
CMPQADAP COM     22340  10-31-86  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      1130  10-31-86  12:00p
GRAFTBNO COM      1130  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBDA   COM      8613  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBNO   COM      8613  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBSV   COM      8623  10-31-86  12:00p
KEYBSU   COM      8623  10-31-86  12:00p
DEMO     BAT        14  10-31-86  12:00p
DEMO     BAS      6146  10-31-86  12:00p
DEMO1    BAS     15611  10-31-86  12:00p
DEMO2    BAS     15629  10-31-86  12:00p
DEMO3    BAS     25625  10-31-86  12:00p
USA      DAT     16128  10-31-86  12:00p
EUROPE   DAT     16008  10-31-86  12:00p
INTEREST BAS       384  10-31-86  12:00p
WORDS             1306  10-31-86  12:00p
       26 file(s)     311039 bytes
                       34816 bytes free

Directory of COMPAQ PC DOS 3.20 Support

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     9728   3-27-86  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    27760   3-27-86  12:00p
COMMAND  COM*    23210   3-27-86  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM*     3006   8-14-86  12:00p
YCR         *        4   8-14-86  12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT        33   8-14-86  12:00p
README   CPQ      1796   8-14-86  12:00p
INSTALL  DOC      6790   8-14-86  12:00p
DISKINIT COM      9259   8-14-86  12:00p
SUPINST  BAT        76   8-14-86  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS      1569   8-14-86  12:00p
FDISK    COM      7200   8-14-86  12:00p
FORMAT   COM      8987   8-14-86  12:00p
SYS      COM      3823   8-14-86  12:00p
INST1    BAT      1875   8-14-86  12:00p
INST1    SCR       645   8-14-86  12:00p
INST2    SCR       479   8-14-86  12:00p
INSTDEL  BAT        49   8-14-86  12:00p
       18 file(s)     106289 bytes
                      245760 bytes free

COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 (12-17-85)

This older 1985 release of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 is from a 1.2Mb disk in our private collection. Since this disk was created for personal use, it also contains files unrelated to COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10. A directory listing is provided below.

This release displays the following messages on boot:

The COMPAQ Personal Computer MS-DOS
Version 3.10

(C) Copyright COMPAQ Computer Corp. 1982,83,84,85
(C) Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1982,82,83,84,85

which is identical to the newer 1986 release. And most of the files are identical, so from a MS-DOS functionality standpoint, there was no difference between these releases.

Also of interest, this disk contains two COMPAQ ENHDISK drivers:

However, even though the drivers are different, they both display the same message when loaded:

The COMPAQ Personal Computer ENHDISK Version 3.10
(C) Copyright COMPAQ Computer Corporation 1984, 1985

The ENHDISK.SYS file dated 08-14-86 is identical to ENHDISK.SYS dated 10-31-86 on the 3.10 distribution disks above.

Directory of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.10 (12-17-85)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     9728  12-17-85  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    27760  12-17-85  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     23210  12-17-85  12:00p
CONFIG   SYS        55  10-15-87   5:52p
DISKINIT COM      9179  12-17-85  12:00p
VDISK    SYS      2926  12-17-85  12:00p
ANSI     SYS      1593  12-17-85  12:00p
ENHDISK  SYS      1569   8-14-86  12:00p
CLOCK    SYS      1462  12-17-85  12:00p
FORMAT   COM      8987  12-17-85  12:00p
CHKDSK   COM      9435  12-17-85  12:00p
SYS      COM      3823  12-17-85  12:00p
DISKCOMP COM      2897  12-17-85  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM      3006  12-17-85  12:00p
COMP     COM      2470  12-17-85  12:00p
MODE     COM      4180  12-17-85  12:00p
FDISK    COM      7200  12-17-85  12:00p
BACKUP   COM      5465  12-17-85  12:00p
RESTORE  COM      5247  12-17-85  12:00p
ASSIGN   COM      1509  12-17-85  12:00p
SORT     EXE      1664  12-17-85  12:00p
FIND     EXE      6403  12-17-85  12:00p
MORE     COM       282  12-17-85  12:00p
PRINT    COM      8291  12-17-85  12:00p
TREE     COM      1756  12-17-85  12:00p
LABEL    COM      1239  12-17-85  12:00p
BASIC    COM      1424  12-17-85  12:00p
BASICA   COM      1422  12-17-85  12:00p
BASICA   EXE     66544  12-17-85  12:00p
GRAPHICS COM      3048  12-17-85  12:00p
EDLIN    COM      7261  12-17-85  12:00p
SHARE    EXE      8304  12-17-85  12:00p
ATTRIB   EXE     15091  12-17-85  12:00p
SELECT   COM      1714  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBGR   COM      8085  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBFR   COM      8157  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBUK   COM      7551  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBIT   COM      7770  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBSP   COM      8149  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBDA   COM      8613  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBNO   COM      8613  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYBSV   COM      8623  12-17-85  12:00p
GRAFTBNO COM      1130  12-17-85  12:00p
GRAFTABL COM      1130  12-17-85  12:00p
SETCLOCK COM      2771  12-17-85  12:00p
TAPE     EXE     28008  12-17-85  12:00p
SUBST    EXE     16611  12-17-85  12:00p
JOIN     EXE     15971  12-17-85  12:00p
EXE2BIN  EXE      2816  12-17-85  12:00p
LINK     EXE     38144  12-17-85  12:00p
DEBUG    COM     15552  12-17-85  12:00p
RECOVER  COM      4226  12-17-85  12:00p
CMPQADAP COM     21940  12-17-85  12:00p
DEMO     BAT        14  12-17-85  12:00p
DEMO     BAS      6146  12-17-85  12:00p
DEMO1    BAS     15611  12-17-85  12:00p
DEMO2    BAS     15629  12-17-85  12:00p
DEMO3    BAS     25625  12-17-85  12:00p
USA      DAT     16128  12-17-85  12:00p
EUROPE   DAT     16008  12-17-85  12:00p
INTEREST BAS       384  12-17-85  12:00p
WORDS             1306  12-17-85  12:00p
ENHDISK  OLD      1569  12-17-85  12:00p
KEYFIX   COM       104   1-30-87   1:57p
AUTOEXEC BAT        38  10-15-87   6:05p
PCPAL    EXE     63088   6-23-87  12:21p
       66 file(s)     631654 bytes
                      564736 bytes free