PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Microsoft QuickPascal 1.00

PCjs has copies of the following documentation:

Directory listings of the diskettes are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-msdos320"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-msdos320" to load....

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

SAMPLES      <DIR>       5-05-89  10:32a
BRIEF    KEY       273   5-04-89   5:03a
EMACS    KEY       303   5-04-89   5:04a
EPSILON  KEY       303   5-04-89   5:04a
FIXSHIFT COM       690  10-06-87  10:49a
ME       KEY       233   5-04-89   5:03a
MOUSE    COM     14674   9-20-88   6:32p
MSHERC   COM      6749  10-26-88   7:37p
PACKING  LST      3027   5-04-89   3:06p
QP       KEY       533   5-04-89   5:03a
QPMKKEY  EXE     20367   3-20-89  12:48p
README   DOC      2405   5-05-89  10:14a
SETUP    EXE     54263   5-05-89   5:23a
       13 file(s)     103820 bytes

 Directory of A:\SAMPLES

.            <DIR>       5-05-89  10:32a
..           <DIR>       5-05-89  10:32a
BIGHEAP  PAS      8399   4-20-89   2:27p
BIGMEM   PAS      1380   4-20-89   2:28p
MOUSE    PAS     17973   5-02-89   8:38a
OBJECTS  PAS     19315   5-03-89   8:45a
SORTDEMO PAS     30829   5-02-89   2:11p
CRLF     PAS      8285   5-01-89   4:32p
GRDEMO   PAS     21060   5-02-89  12:49p
MENU     PAS     13073   5-02-89  12:52p
TURTLE   PAS     21152   5-02-89  12:58p
       11 file(s)     141466 bytes

Total files listed:
       24 file(s)     245286 bytes
                      105472 bytes free

MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 1)

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

SYSTEM   QPU     44960   5-04-89   7:01p
COURB    FON     19088  11-12-87   1:23p
CRT      QPU      5152   5-04-89   7:04p
DOS      QPU      9104   5-04-89   7:03p
GRAPH    QPU     37664   5-05-89   9:07a
HELVB    FON     50880  11-12-87   1:25p
MODERN   FON      7584  11-12-87   1:26p
MSGRAPH  QPU     72368   5-05-89   9:07a
MSGRUTIL QPU      3504   5-05-89   9:07a
PRINTER  QPU       304   5-04-89   7:04p
ROMAN    FON     11120  11-12-87   1:27p
SCRIPT   FON     10304  11-12-87   1:27p
TMSRB    FON     45936  11-12-87   1:27p
       13 file(s)     317968 bytes
                       38912 bytes free

MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 2)

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 3)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

QP       EXE    288970   5-04-89  10:04p
QPL      COM     64631   5-04-89   9:51p
QPL      ERR      4848   5-02-89   1:52p
        3 file(s)     358449 bytes
                        2048 bytes free

MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 3)

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 4)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

QPERR    HLP     27464   5-04-89  10:46a
QPGRAPH  HLP     71827   5-04-89  11:35a
NOTES    HLP      5396   4-14-89   3:34p
ATT6300  VID      7464   4-17-89   1:25p
CGASNOW  VID      3846   4-17-89   1:25p
ERICSSON VID     10040   4-17-89   1:25p
HERC102  VID      7564   4-17-89   1:25p
HERC112  VID     14075   4-17-89   1:25p
LEARN    EXE     64599   4-27-89  11:01p
LEARN    PIF       369   4-14-89   8:53a
QPCBT    CTX     57277   4-28-89   4:57p
QPCBT    SCN     35294   4-28-89   4:57p
QPCBT    SOB     31392   4-28-89   4:57p
       13 file(s)     336607 bytes
                       19456 bytes free

MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 4)

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 5)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

QP       HLP    304458   5-03-89   4:21p
QPENV    HLP     47883   5-04-89  10:23a
        2 file(s)     352341 bytes
                        9216 bytes free

MS QuickPascal 1.00 (360K Disk 5)

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (720K Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

SAMPLES      <DIR>       5-05-89  11:17a
QP       EXE    288970   5-04-89  10:04p
QPL      COM     64631   5-04-89   9:51p
QPL      ERR      4848   5-02-89   1:52p
BRIEF    KEY       273   5-04-89   5:03a
EMACS    KEY       303   5-04-89   5:04a
EPSILON  KEY       303   5-04-89   5:04a
FIXSHIFT COM       690  10-06-87  10:49a
ME       KEY       233   5-04-89   5:03a
MOUSE    COM     14674   9-20-88   6:32p
MSHERC   COM      6749  10-26-88   7:37p
QP       KEY       533   5-04-89   5:03a
QPMKKEY  EXE     20367   3-20-89  12:48p
README   DOC      2405   5-05-89  10:14a
SETUP    EXE     54263   5-05-89   5:23a
PACKING  LST      2866   5-02-89  11:20p
       16 file(s)     462108 bytes

 Directory of A:\SAMPLES

.            <DIR>       5-05-89  11:17a
..           <DIR>       5-05-89  11:17a
BIGHEAP  PAS      8399   4-20-89   2:27p
BIGMEM   PAS      1380   4-20-89   2:28p
MOUSE    PAS     17973   5-02-89   8:38a
OBJECTS  PAS     19315   5-03-89   8:45a
SORTDEMO PAS     30829   5-02-89   2:11p
CRLF     PAS      8285   5-01-89   4:32p
GRDEMO   PAS     21060   5-02-89  12:49p
MENU     PAS     13073   5-02-89  12:52p
TURTLE   PAS     21152   5-02-89  12:58p
       11 file(s)     141466 bytes

Total files listed:
       27 file(s)     603574 bytes
                      112640 bytes free

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (720K Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

QP       HLP    304458   5-03-89   4:21p
QPENV    HLP     47883   5-04-89  10:23a
QPERR    HLP     27464   5-04-89  10:46a
QPGRAPH  HLP     71827   5-04-89  11:35a
NOTES    HLP      5396   4-14-89   3:34p
ATT6300  VID      7464   4-17-89   1:25p
CGASNOW  VID      3846   4-17-89   1:25p
ERICSSON VID     10040   4-17-89   1:25p
HERC102  VID      7564   4-17-89   1:25p
HERC112  VID     14075   4-17-89   1:25p
LEARN    EXE     64599   4-27-89  11:01p
LEARN    PIF       369   4-14-89   8:53a
QPCBT    CTX     57277   4-28-89   4:57p
QPCBT    SCN     35294   4-28-89   4:57p
QPCBT    SOB     31392   4-28-89   4:57p
       15 file(s)     688948 bytes
                       33792 bytes free

Directory of MS QuickPascal 1.00 (720K Disk 3)

 Volume in drive A is QP100
 Directory of A:\

SYSTEM   QPU     44960   5-04-89   7:01p
COURB    FON     19088  11-12-87   1:23p
CRT      QPU      5152   5-04-89   7:04p
DOS      QPU      9104   5-04-89   7:03p
GRAPH    QPU     37664   5-05-89   9:07a
HELVB    FON     50880  11-12-87   1:25p
MODERN   FON      7584  11-12-87   1:26p
MSGRAPH  QPU     72368   5-05-89   9:07a
MSGRUTIL QPU      3504   5-05-89   9:07a
PRINTER  QPU       304   5-04-89   7:04p
ROMAN    FON     11120  11-12-87   1:27p
SCRIPT   FON     10304  11-12-87   1:27p
TMSRB    FON     45936  11-12-87   1:27p
       13 file(s)     317968 bytes
                      406528 bytes free