PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PCjs Software Archive

Much like the PCjs Document Archive, this collection is an assortment of software from the PCjs Archives that may or may not be of historical interest.

Some disks from this collection include:

You can probably find most or all of these disks on other software sites now, just as software from many other sites has found its way here, thanks to the Brownian motion of bits on the Internet.

Any other disks you see below are primarily ones that don’t neatly fit into another PCjs category, usually either because the disks contain a mixture of random/personal/unique content.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory Listings

Directory of Jeff’s MS-DOS 3.20 Tools

 Volume in drive A is MSDOS 32   
 Directory of  A:\

LINK     EXE    43988   7-07-86  12:00p
DEBUG    EXE    15647  11-26-86  10:24p
GWBASIC  EXE    78864   7-07-86  12:00p
PCPAL    EXE    63088   8-23-86  11:33a
HDISK    ASM     5238   3-27-87  12:01a
MASM     EXE    83165  10-05-86   5:22p
HDISK    OBJ      643   2-09-87  11:52p
HDISK    EXE      857   2-09-87  11:53p
EXE2BIN  EXE     3050   7-07-86  12:00p
PF       COM      290   1-03-80  11:46p
TF       COM       40   1-03-80  11:57p
COMMAND  COM    23612   7-07-86  12:00p
HDISK    SYS      345   3-27-87  12:03a
       13 File(s)     35840 bytes free

NOTES: This was originally an MS-DOS 3.20 Distribution Disk (Disk 2 of 2) which I had subsequently modified for personal use. Presumably to make more room on the disk, I had moved off a few MS-DOS 3.20 files (BACKUP.EXE, RESTORE.EXE, SHARE.EXE, TREE.EXE, and XCOPY.EXE), updated DEBUG.EXE, added MASM.EXE (v4.00), and then included a few files of my own (eg, PCPAL.EXE and HDISK.ASM). FYI, this particular copy of PCPAL.EXE was saved with Alt-Esc configured as the activation key sequence. @jeffpar